Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pulpo Guisado (Stewed Octopus)

In July I stopped at Tipico Bonao, in Bonao, Dominican Republic.  I wanted something "tipico" so my eyes were immediately drawn to the stewed octopus:

It was pretty good so of course I had to come home and try making my own:

I made it several days later so rather than using a recipe (not that there are many to be found), I just relied on my memory of what the ingredients were.  Starting with the pulpo:

Chop some veggies:

Most good dishes begin with fried garlic, then added the ingredients in order of toughness and needed cooking time:

Spiced tomato puree:

Saute the remaining veggies for a minute in butter for a side dish:

It was okay, I added sugar to the tomatoes if I remember correctly which I should omit next time.  I cooked the octopus in the pressure cooker for about 15 minutes before adding to the stew, because I didn't want to be in the kitchen for hours.  It was still chewy but definitely edible.  From what I've read, octopus can be really hard to cook.  I'll agree with that, but I think it depends on the size, age, and quality of the octopus.  This was a small precleaned one from Publix.  I would have rather had a larger whole one.

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